337 Essex St
Salem, MA 01970
Reappraisal Reading Circle is an open meeting discussing the works of a prolific, popular author of the past whose works are held in quantity by the Athenaeum. Participants are encouraged to read any work by the selected author to contribute to the discussion. Even if you haven’t read any of the books you are welcome to attend. Meetings are usually held on the 3rd Monday every other month but occasionally are held on Fridays in the event of a Monday holiday.
Rafael Sabatini ( 1875-1950)
Italian-English author Rafael Sabatini wrote 34 novels, eight short story collections, six non-fiction books, numerous uncollected short stories, and several plays. He is best known for his worldwide bestsellers: The Sea Hawk (1915), Scaramouche (1921), and Captain Blood (1922)–all major films.