Reckoning with History: Salem’s Black Picnic/Election Day

June 24, 2021 @ 7:00 pm – 8:15 pm
Salem Athenaeum—online
Suggested Donation: $10 members, $15 non-members

Doreen Wade, President of Salem United, a non-profit organization that protects and preserves Black History on the North Shore and throughout Massachusetts, shares the 18th-century origins and history of two long-standing Salem traditions: the Black Picnic and Election Day. She also will share artifacts from her collection that is currently on exhibit at Hamilton Hall, Unmasking & Evolution of Negro Election Day and the Black Vote. This online event is presented by Salem Athenaeum in conjunction with the Hamilton Hall exhibit.


PLEASE NOTE: This event will be held online via Zoom.

The link for the event will be sent to all registered participants 20 minutes before program start.