As a follow-up to her Spring lecture on the poetry that emerged from World War I, Dr. Sue Weaver Schopf will present a Fall series, in which she will examine how painting and the novel were transformed by the horrors of the war. How the artists and authors captured their personal experience of the war will be the focus of this series.
**Please note that the start of the course has now been delayed by one week and will run October 8 – November 5**
Sue suggests you begin reading A FAREWELL TO ARMS and ALL QUIET ON THE WESTERN FRONT, to facilitate discussion. Below is the syllabus for the course:
Lecture #1: World War I, Technology, and Their Influence on Modernist Expression (1914-1918)
Lecture #2: Artists in the Trenches: The Art of World War I
Lecture #3: The Great War and the American War Novel: Ernest Hemingway’s A FAREWELL TO ARMS (1929)
Lecture #4: The Great War and the German War Novel: Erich Maria Remarque’s ALL QUIET ON THE WESTERN FRONT (1929)
Lecture #5: The Lost Generation and the Aftermath of the “War to End All Wars”