337 Essex St
Salem, MA 01970
A temporary exhibit connected with the presentations on November 5 will be on display at the Salem Athenaeum through November 11.
Read the Refugee Neighbors Transcripts (PDF)
This event will encompass an informative panel discussion regarding several local refugees and their experiences moving to the North Shore. A reception will follow, and though their demanding schedules are often erratic, several refugees do hope to attend.
Salem State Professor Elisabeth Weiss Horowitz, inspired by a recent exhibit at Government Center, as well as her work with Catholic Charities, created this program to both assist with English language instruction, and introduce these new neighbors to our community.
Her panel includes photographer Leah Bokenkamp, as well as fellow local writers M.P. Carver, Shari D. Frost, Danielle Jones-Pruett and Keri Snook, who will share intimate portraits and interviews that offer a glimpse into the challenges refugees face settling into a new culture and community. In addition, each writer will present a creative work.