Mementos: Jewelry of Life & Love
Thursday, January 29, 2015
from 7:00 to 8:30 PM
at The Salem Athenaeum
$15, $10 for members of Historic New England, Historic Salem, Inc. and the Salem Athenaeum Free for students with ID.
Join Associate Curator Laura Johnson for a lecture illustrating some of Historic New England’s extensive jewelry collection with a special focus on Salem. This illustrated talk will focus on jeweled gifts such as watches, rings, bracelets, and cuff links that marked major life transitions and helped men and women tell stories about themselves and their families. Through these heirlooms this talk explores how New Englanders mark their important moments and memories of love and life. A reception with light refreshments precedes the lecture.
Co-presented by the Salem Athenaeum, Historic New England, and Historic Salem, Inc.
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