Planned Giving
Creating a Legacy of Support
There are many reasons why people get involved with the Salem Athenaeum, and there are many ways to provide financial support to this unique institution. A planned gift can be a simple and affordable way to give that can be tailored to your personal goals and can make a difference for generations to come.
Types of Planned Gifts
Wills and Trusts
You can name Salem Athenaeum as a beneficiary of your will or trust, designating your gift as a dollar amount, a specific asset, or a percentage of your estate. You may direct your bequest to a particular purpose and have the ability to modify your bequest at any time. A bequest can be as simple as adding the following language to your will or trust:
“I give and bequeath to Salem Athenaeum, 337 Essex Street, Salem, Massachusetts, the sum of $_____ (or a description of the specific asset), or __% of the residue of my estate (or trust) after debts and expenses for the benefit of Salem Athenaeum and its general purposes (or specific fund or program to be defined by the donor).”
Beneficiary Designations
You can help secure the Salem Athenaeum’s future by making it a full or partial beneficiary of different financial accounts and instruments you may already have, including:
• Retirement funds
• Life insurance policies
• Annuities
• Donor-advised funds
• Bank accounts or CDs
Contact your account or financial plan administrators for information about how to designate the Salem Athenaeum as a beneficiary.
Recipient/Beneficiary Information
Salem Athenaeum
337 Essex Street
Salem, MA 01970
Federal Tax ID #04-1802590
Next Steps
Are you ready to create a planned gift?
We advise all potential donors to consult with their attorney, estate planner, or financial advisor to help determine which type of planned gift best fits your wishes and circumstances.
Would you like more information? Jean Marie Procious, Executive Director of the Salem Athenaeum, is happy to provide any information you and your advisors need about the Athenaeum’s funds, programs, and projects that you may want to support with a planned gift. She may be reached at or 978.744.2540.
Have you already established a planned gift for the Salem Athenaeum? Please let us know at so that we may express our deep gratitude and appreciation for your future gift.
This document does not represent legal, accounting, or other professional advice. Salem Athenaeum is a nonprofit, tax-exempt 501(c)(3) organization. Your gifts are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.
Upcoming Events
- Mar. 30:
Apr. 6:
I Celebrate You: Salem Poets on One Another’s Work
3:00 p.m. -
Apr. 10:
Chasing Beauty: The Life of Isabella Stewart Gardner
with Natalie Dykstra
7:00 p.m.