Volunteer Opportunities
Needed: Members to assist with general care of the Athenæum collections (ongoing): shelving, cleaning, typing, and filing catalog cards.
Exhibits: The Wendt Room at the Athenæum is available as an exhibition space– showcase your personal collections or help select, describe and arrange Athenæum items for exhibition, and promote the exhibit within the community.
Programs and Events: Join a fun bunch of volunteers at our various gatherings to help with set-up, hosting, ticketing, and other activities. A great way to be part of some great events! If you’d rather help with an occasional event or a specific program, such as the Book Sale, Summer Salon Series, Garden Party, or Children’s Programs and not serve on a committee, please tell us about your interest.
Building and Grounds: Do you love to garden? How about helping out in our beautiful gardens? And we always have a need for handyman help with maintenance of our historic building.
For more information or to get involved, please contact us volunteer@salemathenaeum.net.
Upcoming Events
- Mar. 30:
Apr. 6:
I Celebrate You: Salem Poets on One Another’s Work
3:00 p.m. -
Apr. 10:
Chasing Beauty: The Life of Isabella Stewart Gardner
with Natalie Dykstra
7:00 p.m.